Re: My Pi sevens using Selenium parts


You wrote:

"That's a nice looking cornerhorn, I like the color. I bought some red Mahogany stain and I find it too dark. I am going for something like what you have. I don't know if I can make birch look like that, though."

I used red oak with Minwax "Red Oak" color stain. They are still a little light for my taste. They only have one coat of stain on them. One more should do the job.

You wrote:

"What do you think about the Pi cornerhorns? I bet it sounds awesome."

I have heard many different speakers over the years. From ESL to planar to horns. They are the best sounding speaker I have heard yet. And with a cost of roughly $600.00 total, including paying a cabinet maker, you can't go wrong. Not to mention you get exactly the "look" you want.

You wrote:

"I'll second your comment about Wayne, Extremely helpful. You da man Wayne!!!"

Again, AMEN.


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