Updated Theater 4s now in operation!

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Posted by Garlandgarland [ ] on October 09, 2008 at 15:44:19:

Last night I hooked up the new B&C De250 drivers to the new crossovers in my 5 year old Theater 4s (with Eminence Delta 15s and H290 horns) and was treated to what I had hope for: a more refined sound. With no break in on the De 250s and little on the crossovers, the sound is more open, less compressed sounding.(-not that the PSD 2002 was bad sounding). The bass extension seems greater although I'm not sure why.(Probably due to some additional fiberfill added to the interior of the cabinets on the suggestion of one of the recent posters on this forum). Treble sounds are great; cymbals are brassier, piano overtones are richer(more textured) and more extended and sounds decay in a more natural way. Rim shots sound perfect. Also artificial sounds in the recordings are more evident: reverb, echo and edits are clearly audible. Bad recordings sound just as bad, but now you can hear why more easily. Oh well! Female voices sound more natural and emotive.

The best part of such an improvement is that there is much more MUSIC to listen to within the confines of your current music library! This was well worth the $350 spent on the drivers and crossover parts. I look forward to living with these "new" speakers as they settle in over the next few months. With the Economy the way it is, I'll be spending more time at home settled into the easy chair with Wayne's great speakers providing all the entertainment I need. Oh, I forgot! -there's also my wife! -Sorry, honey!



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