Re:Port Detail for Pro 7 Pi's, Wayne, Mike Bates

Sorry, I missed this post!

*****You knew that though! Lastly today, do you have any experience with the conical horns such as the Sierra Brooks?

Hello, the Baby horn is a pure tractrix with a 500 cycle flare rate.

****The Baby Grand looks interesting. Does a horn such as this offer a similar frequency response to a typical exponential horn?

Yes, they do, however the tractrix will be a shorter horn and will not perform as well on the lower end. You can expect loading down to around 700 cycles, and 800 cycles is a great place to crossover with the Baby.

***Could they be augmented by a RC network.

Yes, Wayne's crossover designs in his document will work VERY well. You can expect the high end to roll off just as in a radial.

****What effect does the conical shape have on the dispersion characteristics in room? And efficiency?

The round horns have a 60 degree radiation. This seems to be about perfect for most rooms/listeners. What all listeners/observers have noted is the wooden round horns have less audible "horn" coloration and image better. I myself am playing with the Baby's right now in a three way with the TAD 4001 (as the high horn and the 180 cycle horns as low mid) and actually prefer the imaging of the 12" over the 26" horns. They disappear completely in the room, where the larger horns can do this with most material. These do it with everything.

With the JBL drivers with a proper filter you should be able to obtain a nice near flat response from 800 to 15k+. In other words no tweeter needed.

Mike Bates

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