Re: Pi 2 tweeter substitution?

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on September 19, 2008 at 12:48:15:

In Reply to: Pi 2 tweeter substitution? posted by xsheaffer on September 19, 2008 at 00:38:04:

That's the exact problem I had when looking for a tweeter for this speaker. There are few tweeters with the right characteristics. As you've seen, you need the right combination of sensitivity and frequency range. There are lots of ribbons and dome tweeters that are very nice, but most don't have the sensitivity. Of those that do, most can't be used low enough in frequency. There are some horns that fit the bill, but none had the sound I wanted for this speaker. All were really super-tweeters and just too bright.

A 1" compression driver would have actually worked well, and in fact, that's what I use in the eight π speaker. Its horn creates the right directivity for matching with the tweeter; Without it, the crossover point would have to be made higher for matching the Alpha 10 as a direct radiator. But when I thought about it, I already have two very good matched-directivity two-way speakers, the three π and four π loudspeakers. I prefered to keep the one π and two π speakers simple and low cost. In the end, the DX25 stood out, pretty much alone in my choices.


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