Hard at work on Waynes new 4Pi crossover boards

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Posted by Bill Epstein [ ] on July 09, 2008 at 14:26:46:

Don't know how many of you have acquired these boards but they sure make life simple. According to Wayne, this entirely knew set of values and filter type measures great and sounds smooth.

I'm almost there, but forgot about the changed value of C2 and decided against using an oil cap for C3 and just ordered them today.

My 16 ohm 2226J dictated some changes and, as usual, Wayne came through with the proper specs: double the value of L2 and L3, half the value of C4 and C5 and I'm using 14dB attenuation to match up with the woofer ohmage. I also created a 40 watt, 16 ohm R3 and didn't use the full complement of resistors for R1 and R2 due to a parts shortage caused, by, once again, my rapidly failing memory.

Look at the size of that 3 henry, 15 ga. inductor!

I should see the brown truck with the missing parts Friday and report on the sound over the weekend. I'm pretty excited about this project, kinda like when I first received my Delta 15s and PSD-2002s in my very first Parts Express order back in...2000? Has it been that long?


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