In Reply to: 16 OHM !!!!!!!! posted by luxmanlover on December 17, 2001 at 14:52:35:
When you can have 2 per side, 1 pair of 16 ohms works out to a nice 7 ohm z min. Those 2245's are not completely gone, they are on ebay at about 450 to 500 per pair, NIB still. Pick up that phone, or mouse, whatever...but if you hesitate, don't whine later, it's not dignified...Samand if one 4648A-8 system per side is not enough, I'll hook up the SECOND PAIR also...yes folks, he is truly out of control now...4 2226J's per channel...the nice lady from JBL actually called to make really meant to order 4 systems total? She said that putting them all in one room sounded like a swell be continued...
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