Re: Chesky/Martin Logans

I believe that the peak output of most Martin Logans is more than adequate for recreating acoustic instruments in a home setting. And remember that acoustic music is the only actual recreation of live MUSIC.

Now if you are talking about recreating AMPLIFIED rock and jazz, yes you will need something else to recreate the 120+ db needed to cause hearing damage. And remember that with this type of music you are reproducing the sound of amplifiers and speakers, not instruments. Live performances of this type of music also, in general, NEVER have any output in the below 35 Hz range because the speakers used at mot concerts are not capable of reproducing low frequencies.

BTW, I do enjoy the sound of well made horn loaded loudspeakers, but I also understand the limitations of different types of speaker designs, and horn loaded loudspeakers definitely have practical limitations when used in normal homes.

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