Re: Four pi power rating!!!

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on May 21, 2008 at 14:27:57:

In Reply to: Re: Four pi power rating!!! posted by Chris R on May 21, 2008 at 13:57:11:

Of course, if you ran a 600 watt sine wave into a 100 watt compression tweeter, you would damage it. But the crossover reduces it 10x, so the tweeter never receives that much power. Resistors R1 and R2 would be the weak link if you sent a full power sine wave at 2kHz or so. In practice, the frequency distribution and crest factor of normal music material makes the resistor bank sized right, even oversized.

I've run these speakers with this crossover for years and years on a Crown 2400 watt amplifier, pushing them hard for hours at a time and never had a failure. Not that I couldn't make a failure happen with a sine at 2kHz, but I certainly haven't babied them. I push them hard sometimes, and I've done it often enough that I feel confident in those resistor values and the numbers used. If I didn't, I'd change the design to use more of them.


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