In Reply to: Re: Kilomax vs Kappa Pro 15LF - what's the diff in "sound"? posted by replay on December 15, 2001 at 17:33:34:
Hi George!you must be getting some good sound - I don't think a graph tells all the sonic story of a woofer's performance - Eminence's graph shows some rolloff but your Kilomax must be doing ok in the xover region or you wouldn't be so darn happy. I wish Eminence would detail conditions and give off axis data.
btw-I have a Behringer xover but had ground loop problems - will have to sort those out.
I need to locate some of the 1" Russian plywood - hope 84 lumber can order - you got it for only $30/sheet!! - I'd be happy @$50-60 for 5x5 - I'd be in 'box heaven' with 4-6 sheets!
Best wishes!
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