March 29-30 looks like the date

The ONLY date available Feb/Mar/April etc. is March 29-30. We can have the run of the place that weekend, everything else is booked up solid. The attached hotel (2 years old, very nice and very good rates for as nice as it is) is pretty well wide open then too. Maybe I should ask about getting a block of the upper floors booked so guys can also listen in their rooms??!! (and perhaps the hotel can leave a floor or two as a buffer.........!) Again, the director is solidly behind it, and says he will be very friendly to us concerning the space rental. I'll know early next week what that means.
Suggestions on what is reasonable for each person to bear $wise?
The (1800 seat)theater is available, if you want to hear stuff in a BIG room with good acoustics*, as well as four meeting rooms, many various concourses, mezzanine levels, lobbies; all carpeted, better than your average public spaces for acoustics. I may need some tips later for helping select/setup space for listening. I have never attended any trade shows etc. for audio, so I don't have any special knowledge here.
I'm thinking like kickoff Friday afternoon, run through Saturday? Or add Sunday? Thoughts?
So, that's pretty much it right now. Can you guys make that date? Email me at
with specific questions, travel ideas, crazy brainstorms, or whatever.
*could be setting up different rigs while listening to others? push one set in place while others are literally waiting in the wings?! Hey, we could have the spotlights light up just the speakers; instead of a performer, the reproducer IS the performer.....

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