Hacking the One Pi- suggestions?

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Posted by sansbury [ ] on May 02, 2007 at 16:53:31:

A little over a month ago I started making noise with a pair of One Pi's and a new gainclone. The speakers were built to stock specs with 3/4" MDF. The Gainclone was a stock config Chipamp.com stereo kit. The whole rig has maybe 20-30 hours of operation on it now, mostly at lower listening levels.

As usual, no sooner am I happy to prove that the project works than I start finding things that need to be improved upon and I wanted to pick the group's collective intelligence for suggestions...

1. I think want to rebuild the cabinets in Baltic ply- the high end is almost painfully bright.

2. The bass response falls off precipitously below 100Hz or so--I haven't had time to prepare and calibrate a real measuring system yet so this is being "earballed." My old PC satellite system with a 6.5" powered sub had more "thud" to it (it specs response down to 40Hz, and I believe it).

3. The mid-range feels just a tiny bit closed in--a musician friend of mine aptly described it as "you're standing just in front of symphony hall, the orchestra is playing, and you hear it through an open door."

So, my questions are, where do I go from here? I'm considering the following options:

1. Upgrade to the 2Pi tower and give the 1's to my father as payment for building the cabinets.

2. Stick with the 1Pi guts but build them in a tower configuration.

3. Build the 1Pi tower with the 2-woofer option as discussed here:


4. Get a different amp--maybe it's more of a problem than the speakers? Unfortunately I don't have anything I can hook it up to to verify that.

Right now I'm leaning most strongly towards #3, but that's due in part to my unjustified prejudice about a single main driver being enough, and that the bookshelf-sized cabinets are a limiting factor. I also like the idea of being able to recycle all of the original parts.

Open to suggestions....


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