Dumb Question #1

The more I read and think about speaker design and building the more confused I get, I tried not reading or thinking for a while but found that I was still confused!!!!!! Go figure, so I started thinking and reading some more and found that was more interesting than watching tv so I decided to continue reading thinking and live with being confused. Now on with the quest for knowledge, I've been perusing the Eminence site (not the JBL site 'cause their e-tent sale blows and I don't got that kind of green but I would if they hadn't sold ALL THE STINKING 2245'S FOR DIRT!!!!!!!!!! but thats another story) (thought I was gonna lose it there again for a second), anyway I was looking at the Eminence FR graphs and was wondering about how some of the drivers had claimed FR from 25-2000 or so but their respective graphs showed really droopy response from 25-45Hz like 10-20 Db droop. So getting to the question part.....is it possible to boost up or should I say "flatten" out the FR using the appropriatedly sizes box, or put another way how much can a box smooth out an otherwise "wavy" FR?
And to answer all of your questions ,Yes, I believe this will be the first in a long line of stupid questions (but they do say there are no stupid questions....we'll see ...first time for everything)

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