Royal Cables are passe', finished, kaput

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Posted by bill epstein [ ] on December 30, 2006 at 20:07:02:

Received the Paul Speltz anti-Cables yesterday and hooked them up tonight. The 45 amp is on the bench so I'm using a Marantz 2215B receiver.

I've never made a change so profound as this. The Marantz went from a homogenised, muddy sound to oh-so-clear and lively. If these cables were a speaker I would suspect a "presence bump" so they're not really neutral, emphasizing the upper mids and lower treble.

They sure sound good though. And the imaging, side-to-side and front-to-back is better than any other 'cheap" cable I've tried. $10/Foot stereo pair so everyone should try them.

Can't wait to hear them hooked up to the 45.


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