Tried the Theatres as HT speakers over the holiday, they kicked some serious alien butt. Now the little Missions on stands look so forlorn next to the screen I want them to have a subwoofer playmate.
I found a sub-woofer amp at MCM for $70, pretty good features and specs. Likewise Parts Express has a 10" woofer Ultimate WR1025cs shielded for $22.50. Previous posts seem to indicate 3.5 cu ft box kind of generic, yes? I tried looking at Boxplot and PiAlign but I get cramps when I see graphs and numbers. It was a freakin' miracle I figured out how to download 'em!
So the woof has:
fs 36Hz
vas 1.89 cu ft
qms 4.04
qes .84
qts .69
xmax 2.6
Anyone care to indulge me as to box and port dimensions? And would 2 woofs in one cabinet make sense? If so, does one just connect pos to pos, neg to neg like bi-wiring? or what?Thanking someone in advance ......
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