Re: While I am at it. ... 2 Pi vs 1 Pi

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Posted by Skip Pack [ ] on December 20, 2005 at 16:06:45:

In Reply to: While I am at it. ... 2 Pi vs 1 Pi posted by James W. Johnson on December 18, 2005 at 10:33:37:

I've built 2PI Towers and Studio 1 PIs with piezos, and Studio 2 PIs
with Vifas. My experience's follow Wayne's descriptions well. The 1s
are go just deep enough to be satisfying, but just. The additional
extension of the Studio 2s make them better, in my ears, for use as
a very nice general purpose speaker. I think you would enjoy the 2s
in your HT, and the 1s should be fine for center and surround. I'm
using 4 Studio 2 PIs with one 1 PI as a center channel. My room is
terrible, so no useful comments there until it is much improved.
My comments on the speakers is in 2 Ch use in better rooms.

Skip Pack


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