Re: Great Plains Audio Club meeting pics - November 19, 2005

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Posted by Martin [ ] on November 23, 2005 at 06:01:15:

In Reply to: Great Plains Audio Club meeting pics - November 19, 2005 posted by Wayne Parham on November 21, 2005 at 10:04:51:


"We listened to this speaker with and without a midrange notch filter. It also had a BSC, which was left in place. Comparison of the Lowther with the notch filter to the same setup without, as one might expect, the speaker was a little strident when the filter was removed. Some thought it more revealing without the notch filter, others thought it too shrill. Again, these are common reactions to Lowthers."

I am confused. From your description, it sounds like there was both a notch filter and a BSC filter. Can somebody tell me the values and layout of the filters since I have not seen this arrangment? What specifically was removed? I probably should know this already, but which EX driver was used? Just want to make sure I understand the set-up when reviewing the comments about the design so that I learn and make the next design even better.

Thanks in advance,



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