Re: Great Plains Audio Club meeting pics - November 19, 2005

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Posted by Norman Tracy [ ] on November 22, 2005 at 15:25:28:

In Reply to: Great Plains Audio Club meeting pics - November 19, 2005 posted by Wayne Parham on November 21, 2005 at 10:04:51:

First off thanks to Jim for hosting us and congratulations on your lovely new home. I want your Norton.

OK, enough pretending to be normal, let’s switch into full on audio geek mode.

For me the highlights of the meeting were talking shop with everybody and hearing Jim’s new Lowthers. After years of reading about Lowthers finally getting to hear a pair was a rare treat. I must say they largely lived up to their billing. Our initial listening was with the mandated (for a Martin King design) baffle step correction LRC circuit. In that state I thought they sounded very nice indeed. I commented this is really working and with the against type bass reflex enclosure and a Lowther! Once again showing the value of ignoring conventional wisdom and trying something different. Not a hint of the ‘Lowther shout’ we all read about. Then a group of angry torch carrying villagers arrived at the gates. After breaching the mote and battering in the gate they descended on the BSC boards and made off with the capacitor part of the circuit. Now the Lowthers sounded like the turbo and NOS had engaged. The reproduction exhibited lightening fast dynamics and a unique musical presence. Now one could really hear what all the excitement is about and why so many individuals worldwide have expended so many resources looking for the perfect Lowther implementation. At times it went a little over the top, something was now allowed to ‘zing’ at us. With just a little tweaking (or experimenting with a back horn?) and this could be something very special indeed.

A couple of notes to Jim related to our discussions.

The smooth bend back horn we were discussing is by Peter Van Vegchel and can be found here:
scroll to bottom or here:

Peter Van Vegchel has moved on to front Oris horns as seen here:

While on check out their new Quasar MkII DIY system. I have some pictures snagged off the web of this system sporting Lowther or AER drivers rather than the Fostex shown in the above link.

Thanks again for the enjoyable afternoon!

Norman Tracy


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