Hi Wayne,Thanks for all you're help. The crossover diagrams you make are easy to follow. Designing the crossover and "really" understanding it, is something I have difficulty with.
When you get a free moment (I know your very busy) If you could help me with a crossover, I would greatly appreciate it.
Here are the drivers I wish to build into a seven Pi.
All specs are from JBL.Low frequency;
2226G 4 Ohms sensitivity 89db spl 1/1Mid frequency;
M209-8 8 Ohms sensitivity 105db spl 1/1 (with horn)
Fs 91hz Re 4.9 Le .265mH Qts 0.385 Qms 2.04 Qes 0.475High frequency;
2425HS 8 Ohms sensitivity 111db spl 1/1 (with horn)JBL has recommended in their tuning specs to cross these parts at 420hz, 1.6khz
Attenuating with
+2db woofer
-5db mid
-10db Tweeter
I dont know that this would be the same in a Seven Pi corner horn, but It might be helpful information.I think this will make a great Seven Pi corner horn.
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