Bass Driver for horn

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Posted by James Atkins [ ] on June 28, 2005 at 11:45:10:

Wayne, I am considering building an all horn system, and your seven π design looks about right for my application (home theater). I have a choice between two drivers right now, both 15" high power PA speakers. The spec's of driver---------------------------------------------------- driver A: Le=.73 Re=3.97 30-2,500 hz response Fs=38.9Hz Vas=6.0cu.ft. Qms=4.06 Qes=.39 Qts=.36 SPL=96.5 Xmax=2.3mm---------------------------------------------------------driver B: Le=.70 Re=5.2 40-4000 response Fs=44.2 Vas=6.42 cu.ft. Qms=9.2 Qes=.38 Qts=.36 SPL=100 db/m Xmax=2.5mm---------------------------------------------------------- with the Qms, Qes, and Fs being different enough, is there a clear winner between the two? My target SPL after horn loading is 104-105 db/m and I need a HF crossover point of about 300Hz. Does the lower Qms of driver A result in a smoother response curve?.........Thanks, James


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