Alpha drivers and more (long)

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Posted by aborza [ ] on May 06, 2005 at 11:53:31:

I am a newbie here. I found this forum three days ago and have spent about 12 hours searching and reading posts as well as the info and pdfs on the Pi site. All I can say is thank you all.

Special thanks goes to Wayne for making this Forum possible and giving all the help he does. I must say that in the 40 odd years I have been a Hi-End diy speaker guy, Wayne's "Speaker motors and passive crossover filters" is the finest exposition of crossover filter development I have ever had the privilege to read. Kudos Wane. Two thumbs up. And thanks again.

The reason I am here is that a friend has purchased one of those low power SET amps and has no speakers suitable for the amp. He has asked me to help make up some high quality high-efficiency speakers to use with the amp. The only problem is, I have no experience with high-efficiency drivers or horn tweeters.

Doing some research I found the Eminence Alpha drivers and they seem to fit the general requirements I am looking for. But Eminence puts out little information on their drivers other than some TS specs, Freq Response and Impedance. At least that is all they gave me. So here are some questions. Has anyone done linear distortion, non-linear distortion and stored energy tests (Linkwitz style etc.) as well as polar response tests on the Alpha 8", 10" and 12" drivers? Can someone point me to those tests or share them with me?

My goal is to develop a heigh efficiency dipole from about 100-150 Hz to about 1.5 KHz with an Alpha type driver (perhaps even in MTM format but I would need 16 ohm drivers for that) and then cross to a horn tweeter like the Eminence unit used in the Pi speakers. The bottom end of the system would be handled by a powered woofer of more conventional design.

It will be an interesting task and with some help I may find some drivers with good specs that will be good candidates for the system. I appreciate any help you all can give. Suggestions, criticisms, hints and especially driver data will be greatefully accepted.




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