Re: GPAF coverage

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 06, 2005 at 07:54:45:

In Reply to: GPAF coverage posted by Wayne Parham on May 06, 2005 at 02:18:59:

Wayne; Nice post for those considering your higher end designs and what you pair them with. May I interject with some thoughts here?
I have been using the Theater 4 Pi's now for a year. They have been paired with at least a dozen different amplifiers and front ends; from expensive tubes to ultra-cheap SS chip amps.
For those who are on a budget I have another option. While I am sure the 4's are not quite as good at resolving micro-details and presenting a wide deep and musical soundstage as the 7's; they do have more of these virtues than most all of the competition that is currently out there regardless of price. A combination that will surprise and delight those who; while desiring a pair of 7's must consider finances, just might be what I now describe.
The 4's sound absolutely beautiful being driven by the 30$ Sonic T-Amp. As soon as you stop laughing; let me repeat, they sound better than you can believe paired with this amp. Big; spacious, powerful with great bottom and gorgeous mids. Nice articulate and smooth highs; they can fill a decent sized room with effortless sound and balanced reproduction.
They cost what; about 550$ now? Well there's another option, Pi Theater 4's with the T-Amp and a nice Marantz DVD player puts you at under 700$ This is for really high end presentation that; when funds allow can be stepped up with the Stoetkit to bring you into the big leagues; or you can live with this set-up forever. They are that good and enjoyable. You will never believe the power and fundemental energy this combo can produce. Believe me I have every type of music from Mettalica to Solo Piano recordings of Keith Jarrett to Sonny Rollins and it all plays uniformly well. Drums sound deep and quick, Piano has real body, Bass is fast and solid. It all works better than you would think. I feel it would make a great entry level option to those looking for great sound with the possibilities of up-grading in the future that doesn't require a dedicated savings program.


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