Posted by spkrman57 [ ] on March 31, 2005 at 07:28:39:
In Reply to: 1.75" forward of the rear cover posted by Wayne Parham on March 30, 2005 at 18:13:07:
Thanks Wayne,
Bill E. is coming out Saturday to listen to my toys and exchange ideas and parts. I currently am running 2226J in 3677 cabinet, and 2426J on Martinelli 650hz wood tractix. PE 1.6 khz hi pass crossover(bypass caps .68 ufd across the 8 and 22 ufd caps on the PE crossover, 33 ohm and 15 ohm resistors with .33 ufd cap for HF comp.
Funny thing is I wonder if the crossover caps need some burning in yet as they are sounding kind of forward yet. I started out with a tube amp (Norh SE-9/SEP EL34's), and the sound was a little bit lacking. I then hooked up my Sansui AU-7900 which has been fixed/modded with Black gate caps and such, new outputs and driver transistors. A much better sound presentation. I will leave Bill to report on how they sound after his visit.
Thanks again Wayne!!!
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