Re: Great Plains Audio Club February 2005 Meeting - Photos

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 10, 2005 at 14:20:08:

In Reply to: Great Plains Audio Club February 2005 Meeting - Photos posted by Wayne Parham on February 05, 2005 at 20:42:20:

Nice photo's. What are some of the musical strengths of the Arrays?
What musical passages would you say bring out the best in them? Driving them with the Crown amps, are they smooth and do they resolve well; and with the Zen amps are they detialed and sweet? Driving them at low volume do they still have body and prescence or would you say they really need power to come alive? Do piano tones sound three dimensional and have a nice resonance? Just some of the questions brought to mind by the photo's.
Do they need fussy placement or can they be arranged in many positions without audible sacrifice.
Do they transition well throughout the frequency spectrum?
On Jazz music are they balanced; ie. do they represent horns with equal depth as say guitar. In other words do they tend to favor certain instruments?
Voices are not emphasized in the mix? Little food for contemplation and prospective builders.


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