Gamma Pi-align PA box and some other pics

a) Conehead started pictures/conehead_a.JPG

b) A PA with Eminence gamma 12 in a pi-align box pictures/gamma_pi-align.JPG

c) crackle green centre using sheilded vifa drivers, finished to order to match a pair of green crackle tqwt recently sold pictures/gr_cr_centre.JPG

d) the original tqwt in a new guise, k-slot is an experimental remnant, but looked different so I left it that way, sealed it to leave just the normal port. pictures/silver_k-tqwt.JPG

e) ml tqwt finished in stained ply, yum!! pictures/timber_tqwt.JPG

f) these will be computer speakers with small active sub if I can ever get hold of the transformer I want !! :-(
Elcheapo full range, sounds quite good really, but needs tweeter help, to be added soon. pictures/comp_speaker.JPG

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