Pictures of my Thermionic four Pi's

Here are some pictures of my Thermionic four Pi's. Sorry about the poor image quality, but at least you can sort of tell what they look like. The second picture is the crossover--the components are mounted directly to the inside of the rear panel using PL400 subfloor adhesive. Total cost for the speakers was a little over $500 for the pair, including about 50 pounds of metal hardware for aesthetic purposes. My friend managed to get me all the 1" MDF for free from a scrap box, so I probably could have build a bare-bones pair of four Pi's for less than $400, but I decided to use the money I saved to make them look really sexy. :-)

Let me know if you have any questions about how I built them, the components I used, or how the heck I managed to get the beasts into a dorm room. :-)

Mike Borzcik

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