Re: Pi Aligned Afterburner & Port Calculation

Hi there,

> See my post "Crossovers for Delta15 @ 700 Hz, Beta12LT @ 15kHz? "
> below. There are others as well; just take a look.

thanks for the type...

> I tried Wayne's crossover and the KSN1038 but the piezo didn't
> seem loud enough to me. I was thinking of trying the more
> sensitive KSN1177--it's basically two piezos side by side!

Thanks for your opinion!

> You might want to redo the PiAlign calculations with the "new"
> Beta12LT specs off the eminence site. The data file in the PiAlign
> program uses the "old" specs.

Wayne allready used this new values (Qts/Fs = 1.51/45).

How is your Beta 12LT performing ?


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