Midhorn kits

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on June 17, 2004 at 10:28:20:

Please forgive my lack of modesty, but I just have to say something. I see a lot of great projects, and I don't hesitate to mention the cool stuff when I see it. So I would be remiss to overlook Bill Martinelli's woodworking on the horn kits. These π midhorns will really take your breath away.

I just took delivery on a batch of π midhorns, and I couldn't resist but to peek inside before shipping them out. They're cherry, both in wood stock and in quality and appearance. I gotta say they're just beautiful, really "cherry." Great woodworking, with sharp, perfect angled cuts. Beautiful wood grain, just gorgeous. And nice packaging too. These midhorn kits are sweet.

It's not very modest of me to say, I know, but really the credit goes to Martinelli. To bad all these are spoken for, 'cause I'd like to keep them. But there's more where they came from.


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