Re: Pi-8

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on April 30, 2004 at 04:44:20:

In Reply to: Pi-8 posted by Duncan McBride on April 29, 2004 at 18:50:14:

I saw your order yesterday as I was on my way out the door. I thought I could get back to you yesterday early evening but when I returned, SBC Wideband had suffered an outage that's still going on. I just setup a dial-up account so I could check a few things, but my access is still crippled. I haven't been able to get into the shopping cart yet, but I'll be sure your compression drivers and horns go out today.

About the eight π speakers, I expect to have the drawings done pretty soon. Same goes for the new models of π cornerhorns that will use the midhorn. The crossover for the eight π is the same as what's used in other speakers. You can order a π 1K6aL10dB crossover and use it right out of the box. The π 1K6aL10dB crossover is the same as a 1K6a010dB crossover except there is no C4, and a different midwoofer cable assembly is used.

Let me know when you're ready to put together your crossovers. You can purchase the completed crossovers from us, and that will save you a lot of trouble. Or if you want to assemble them yourself, we'll just sell you the parts. I'm getting components in high enough quantities that the prices are really good.


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