2Pi Tower dampening

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Posted by Wasteh202 [ ] on March 17, 2004 at 17:47:32:

I have a question for you.

When I crank up the volume to about 95+db's, I start to get allot of clutter in the sound. It seems that it could be some distortion. But, I am wondering how much the sound waves inside the cabs are contributing towards this. I already did some test by moving the insullation in one cab from the top to the bottom, and also from the front to the back( Ileft the side alone). This seems to have helped to some degree. And I will likely leave it as is and change the other box as well. The boxes are made from 3/4" plywood(HD quality )

I seemed to have lost some bass by making this change. It is perceived to my ears that I also lost some SPL... but the meter says differently, no loss.
What little bass I did loose, I gained in midrange clarity... and I prefer it.

Wayne, what should I expect if I dampen all of the inside of the box walls with insulation ?

Do you have another solution for this problem ? How about dampening the baskets of the mid/wofers ?


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