What is a "motor"?

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a "motor"? I haven't seen this term used before in discussing speakers.

Wayne, I've browsed your site and find your designs very intriguing. I have a couple of questions:

1. I have Heresys driven by Bottlehead Paramours. I love the forwardness and dynamics of the Heresys, but with all the recommended modding and damping and rewiring and bracing I've done, I still haven't been able to tame that high end. How do your speakers fare in this respect? I have to confess I'm scared by metal-dome tweeters -- I once had some Monitor Audios that tore my ears off in this respect.

2. Which of your designs would suit a low-wattage SET setup like mine (3.5 WPC)?

3. Are the prices on your list for built speakers? (If so, they are great deals!)

Thanks in advance --


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