I'm just in the last stage of building my 6L6 SE power amp and am now planning my next project... speakers.I've been looking at the 6 pi Theater and Themionic corner horns and wondering which would be the right way to go. The concern I have (beyond sound quality) is that the left speaker will only have a 4ft wall behind it (from the corner back left moving right has 47 inches of wall before an opening, I know they need at least 3 ft). With the different dimensions of the speakers would that have a noticable effect? I'm leaning to the theater 6 pi from the size alone (It's the second system in the room and want to keep family life good :)
With the SE tube amp + room dimensions which one would be the way to go? Are there any other suggestions?
I haven't seen much discussion regarding these speakers vs. room dimensions before.
Anyone want to comment about either of these speakers?
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