Re: That IS strange...

I switched to 8 ohms tap sounded more relax and fuller.
Added 22ohm at tweeter....liked that and took cotton out of the tweeter throat.
The speakers are 3 feet from side wall and at least ten from rear. These are to be shipped to my son so it is not in ideal situation. Too much to move before thanksgiving : )
I adjusted my left volume to be about 4-6 db for compensation and these speakers being sensitive was noticeable . Will have to adjust.
It is contiuosly opening up and getting smoother since last Thursday.
I also pot 4 isolation bearings on each me the focus is better. I plan on building a platform...spicke them and then set bearings on them . Speakers do move back and forth slightly
Center focus is still something I like to move the speakers around to fine tune...It seems that positioning the pointing 40 degrees towards the center infront of sweet spot is what I like.
The subwoofer is now xing at around 35to 40 hz. Most speakers sound better with sub in my room. Dont get me wrong I like the low registers kinda tight and like chewing on gummy bears instead of soft like chewing on hard jello( pardon the poor analogy hope you get my drift
These are great speakers for the price point and better that quiet a few i have heard in the 400 600 range
Happy thanksgiving to all

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