Define 'reasonable'!

This driver does seem to require big boxes, at least if you go for optium alignments. Linear Teams online calculator says >650 liters (~23.2 cu.ft.) for a vented box tuned at 31.6Hz - in return one gets a -3dB point at ~28Hz.

A 200 (7.14 cu.ft.) liter box tuned to the same frequency will give -3dB just below 50Hz - the 'cost' of the smaller box will be that the frequency curve rises above unity at around 90Hz, indicating some ringing & poorer transient response.

Even an optium alignment closed box (which you say you don't consider) will be over 300 liters (>11 cu.ft.) with a -3dB point at ~57Hz.

The most experienced here regarding various tunings/sizes of boxes with regards to driver characteristics is probably Wayne - hope he chimes in.

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