Re: How to connct an L-pad ?

In re-reading your post I notice you make no mention of an existing crossover network. If using an amp larger than 2 watts you must use a crossover network or you will almost certainly blow your tweeter.

The cabinet + (hot) and - (ground) terminals feed power into the crossover. The crossover output then feeds "high pass filtered" signal power to the L-Pad which then feeds the tweeter.

The simplest crossover is a first order (6 dB/oct) which is just a single capacitor in series with the tweeter/L-Pad (a 4.7 μF capacitor will cross an 8 Ω tweeter about 4,200 Hz). There are higher order crossover topologies but you'll need to do some studying before attempting to design a crossover from scratch.

Jeff Robinson

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