Are Pi's suitable for Hi-fi?

I just ordered a kit for a pair of 2 Pi's and I'm very excited about attacking my first speaker project. Haven't decided on the bookshelf or tower yet, but leaning towards the floorstanders.

However, there are still some nagging thoughts about whether the speakers are suitable for hi-fi or audiophile use. I'm not raising these questions to troll. The fact that I've already paid for my order demonstrate my interest and commitment to Wayne's design. I've also never listened to a Pi speaker before. However my perception has been skewed by several observations. I thought this would be the right group to address these.

There are several reasons why I'm questioning this:
1) While nobody has explicitly said that Pi's are PA speakers, I have seen several posts on DIYAudio that have grouped Pi's and PA kits together.
2) The use of large woofers. I'm not a kid, but I'm young enough that the only audiophile speakers I've been exposed to are the slimline towers, where the largest driver you see is 6" (maybe 8" but that's pushing it). Yes, there was a recent post in the Speaker BBS on how the slim towers is more of a fashion trend with high WAF, than functional design. That the best way to produce bass is still with large drivers, not multiple drivers. But for some reason, when I see a 12" woofer, I think of Cerwins.
3) The use of Pi's by clubs, theaters, and halls. Perhaps it's the venues that I visit, but I've never associated club speakers as hi-fi. In fact, some of the lowest quality sound I've heard have come from clubs and live shows. But then again, I'm also listening to Marshalls cranked to level 11 at the shows.
4) To me, Pi's look like those crappy club speakers that I've been exposed to. I've certainly seen some beautifully finished cabinets. But all you have to do is slap some gray carpet on a Theater and it looks just like those concert speakers.

Rather than let my perceptions guide me, the best thing to do would be to build the speakers and listen. However, any comments from this group would be appreciated.

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