it takes alot of proof and effort,to replace unproven lies.

Ive seen some nice ones such as-

'my mate told me, that round ports dont chuff unlike square ones'

and a car audio man says=

''I tune all of my enclosures (no matter what size) to 40Hz. Only a pipe organ can play lower so 40Hz is suffecient in any system. The only time I tuna a box higher is when it's for SPL, then (and only then) I tune it to the RF of the vehicle. or unless I get a request for a specific frequency.''

very good a fixed tuning for all subs ,one size fits all!

its kinda annoying.

and then theres the 'sealed boxes dont resonate' brigade..

and the '4db peak in winisd sounds fine' people,seriously they cant know what theyre missing,a nice pi aligned box,flat response,or overdamped ported alignment...

no wonder so many people think ported boxes are boomy

also what i dont get,is how has the XXX woofers with high Q,and mid Fs, and people port them,and they peak heaps,compromising the XBL^2 effort into keeping the output clean!

it seems very strange

an 18" with 0.69 Qts ? crazy.

people treat xbl^2 like its magic over in car audio forums,if they had a woofer with actual useful specs for me,i would think about getting it and id want to get it measured for THD etc...
/end rant.

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