martinelli, how's the magenta?

your typical so called hi-end ( overpriced highly marketed products ) store will have a sound room filled with speakers for easy a/b comparison. the real anal stores prohibit this and have dedicated single system rooms. every piece of hardware is hooked up for evaluation. all the components are proudly displayed and a copy of a recent favourable review is nearby. when the salesperson introduces you to the system he/she will go into great detail about each and every component. imaging, speed, bottom end, air, soundstage, attack, depth, transparent veils, transients, space, impact, detail, tone, ambience, warmth, coloration, personality, rhythm, ok you get the idea. in my 20 years in the business i have yet to encounter a salesperson who will mention the thousands of dollars of cables they have hooked up in that system. how many of you have auditioned loudspeakers and asked what cables am i listening to? never, right? you'll listen to speakers and if you don't like them do you blame it on the amp? or the cables? never! why don't these stores have a cable room with only one pair of speakers hooked up and a switch box connected to 10 different overpriced cables. imagine the pitch, sir i'm now playing the cardas golden reference, and now the nordost valhalla. which do you prefer? it'll never happen because it would be a huge failure. that's why the wire hangs behind the sales counter and is a silent sale. it's pitched to the sucker who paid 3k for a pair of 6" 2 way bookshelfs. in the store the speakers performed great, how could they not surrounded by rare art and persian rugs. the 3k price tag means they must be good. however once at home and listening to them for a few days the reality sets in. they sound just as good as the $300 bookshelfs they replaced. what's the problem you ask the salesperson? of course it's your wires! you listened to them through a pair of xxx biwire cables which i can sell you for only $1200 for a 6 ft pair. not wanting to feel taken you get duped again and buy the cables. now for fear of ignorance & inferiority you will never come back to the store again, until of course to upgrade your speakers. and the cycle continues.
wayne, you have helped many avoid this cycle, including me.



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