In Reply to: Re: I did something like this.. posted by on October 16, 2003 at 01:39:33:
Hi,"how much distance do you need to the horns to get a coherent sound?"
I listen maybe 12 ft from the horn mouths. Pretty close.
"is nearfield listening enjoyable?"
Yep, but I don't know how much closer I would want to big is your sweetspot? on my system there is a 1-person sweetspot.
I have a two-seater that is in the 'zone' but one side is surely a bit 'sweeter'. Big Tractrix horns are not wide dispersion devices. A bigger room and more distance would help here.
could you send me the plans of your chopped bass horns to get a feeling how big they really are?
I see Wayne has sent you the plans - if you just cut out the back and top panels leaving the horn angle itself you will have it. Very simple, and placed in corners, reasonably compact(!!)
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