Re: Good luck and keep us posted!

Hi Jeff,

> I built Thorsten's Afterburner but am now going to try the Beta12LT
> in a PI cabinet.

From my side, I was inspired by reviews about hammer dynamic
super12. I haven't possibility to hear it, so i decided first
to build afterburners for having an idea how 12" FR performs.

what's your opinion ? Can you compare it with something I
know ;-), let say FE103 or 40-1354 or FE208s....

what's also your amplifier ?

> Do you have the Rat Shack tweet? I found them too bright--could be
> too sensitive or the 1st order crossover isn't attenuating quickly
> enough so there's too much overlap at 8-10kHz.
> I'm going try a piezo tweet with a second order crossover.

Thanks for your advice, i haven't possibility to buy RS tweeter
here so I had the same idea as you - Motorola piezo. Which one
is your favorite ?

And, what about adding a low-pass and zobel for beta12tl same as
used in super12 ? This could be a solution to clarify the 10k region.

> Good luck and please let us know how it goes,
> Cheers,
> Jeff

thanks, I will do


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