crossover questions...

I have a pair of JBL 2425J 1" exit drivers, 16 ohm. If I want to use them in a 2 or 3 way box, how can I reconfigure the crossover so it treats the drivers properly, but still presents 8 ohms to the amp?

They would be bolted to CD horns, so the top octive compensation would be a plus.

I know that the cap values change for a 16 ohm driver, but I'm a little hazy on what determines the nominal value the completed system presents to the amp.

Yes, I know I could just tack a 16 ohm resistor across the driver, but that kills the sensitivity.

Also, would it be possible to design a passive crossover (high-pass)
that could do the same thing- present an 8 ohm load, but have the 16 ohm driver inside?



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