
my timeframe is overawhile-i have polytech that i need to finish - it may be christmas holidays-Dec5th

because ive just completed my 2week holiday( and finished completeling the modeling),and my mates relative whos a woodworker is busy makn my mates bedroom like a sleepout,so wudve been busy.

this will be good to see if a 30hz 750L horn is justifiable

as soon as i finish the niggly bits-

the corner reflectors,completely optimising the rear chamber to be correct 17L+2L for lab12 woofer+bracing,

and drawing it more times in Qcad with really skinny lines

one of my problems is my little 14" monitor cant display it all at once! :P 800x600

this horn is for the Experience not for perfect response..250L only,
how can u go wrong :-P

im thinkn 25mm mdf always that rear chamber brace is infact vertical :*)

and then il get RS meter(with new mic like adrian has),test it outdoors,in car,in home,in corner,see if can squeese 40hz out of it with a few watts :-D


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