MAF 2005...

Hi guys.
First off...I'd like to thank Mike Baker for putting together such a fine audiofest for us "midwesterners" to attend these past years. One aspect that I really enjoyed about MAF, was the laid back attitude of the whole thing. Everyone was just so darn cool. :)

Some of the things I've enjoyed at the previous MAF events.

There are a number of things I've enjoyed at the previous MAF events. While I love the DIY designs...they aren't the only reason I go.'s true that I enjoy seeing products and designs from a variety of different companies. These products ranged in prices starting off at next to nothing...and all the way up to products that you would need 60 months financing to afford. It's always fun to look ;)

Also...what I enjoy at this event is seeing the DIY designs. We've all certainly read about others projects, here on the web and in magazines. But what a great opportunity it is, to not only get to see these projects...but to listen to them as well! This is where the real fun is...talking to the DIY guys! If you pay attention to what they may be able to pick up a few pointers. Of course, if your like me, you better bring a pencil and paper...or you WILL forget everything they told you.

Then...of have the seminars. Don McRitchie, Larry Moore...the infamous Bill & Bill...among others. This is the place you could go to learn or share with some of the more knowledgeable people. Every one of them was eager to not only listen to what you had to say...but also to share what they have learned along the path of their travels in this audio world.

All this...and a laid back atmosphere where people were just having a good time talking...kicking back...listening to some tunes...and gawkin' at some awful nice audio equipment.

Thanks Mike Baker.

Unfortunatly...but understandably...It seems that Mike is going to take a well deserved break from hosting this event. I say unfortunate because I'd still like to have an event like this in the midwest. Sure, VSAC would be great to go to...but it's too far.

Well, Brian, of, has said he is interested in hosting the next MAF 2005. The event will be takin place a little bit closer to Brian, in Bloomington, Indiana. There are plenty of hotels, bars (with live music!) and restaurants. Did I mention the live music? ;)

What Brian is hoping for, is an event much like the previous MAF's. He still aims to have the same type of manufacturers a few others (he's got some real nice know. Being in the Biz and all). Another goal is to have more DIY'ers show up with their systems...sit off the system...listen to some good tunes while ya B.S. with some buddies...whatever you choose to do while displaying your system for the rest of us. Because who knows...after they hear your system...they just may be displaying their own some day (thanks Beancounter ;) )

One area to expand on is vintage gear...maybe some more space given to the vintage crowd. Who knows, perhaps some vintage "swap tables" could even be arranged.

Much like the previous MAF's, the focus was high-efficiency speakers. This focus wouldn't change, but would continue to include consumer gear that is unique in one way or another. Sure, you and I may tend to gravitate to a certain "type" of system (like horns and high efficiency designs)...but there's a lot of really interesting "traditional" gear being produced nowadays, that tends to get overlooked by mainstream publications such as Stereophile.

Another aim that Brian has for MAF 2005 is more music for sale...with possibilities of having some nice vintage vinyl tables set up.

Also, the festivities may start on Friday instead of Saturday.

So, Why would Bloomington be a good choice? Bloomington is an ideal spot for a conference - given that Indiana University is ranked as a Research I institution and has some outstanding athletic programs, the hotel and conference facilities here are outstanding.

These are just some preliminary thoughts to get an idea how much interest is out there. If you are a vendor, manufacturer, dealer, DIY'er, music lover or audio hobbiest...please let us know if your interested.

Is there anything that you would just love to see at MAF 2005?

all questions and comments are VERY welcome.

lastly, I'd like to thank Brian for looking into the possibilities of keeping the MAF torch alive...thanks.

aka gonefishin

enjoy the music!

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