Dear Anyone Kind who could model this for me,custom designed Xover: Fc = approx 950Hz 18db/oct different sort of filter: LCL
So input parallel shunt inductor of 1.3mH into polyprop 42uf series cap into parallel shunt inductor of 1.3mH.
The input inductor has a 25 ohm resistor in series plus DCR of .6 ohm: ouput inductor also has a DCR of .6 ohm driving an Lpad driving an 8 ohm Selenium D210ti compression driver.
The result I am getting seems like way too low Fc, and high distortion. I have no test equipment or even test CD now.
I think the high inductor leg resistor is too high, but I don't know. I havedone the best I can to make this thing work.
I designed a similar style filter with excellent results at 5khz, however I had only a 4 ohm resistor in the input leg.
Any Modeling would be great.
Thanks Sincerely,
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