In Reply to: Re: 133db,magic cabin gain,SPL meters posted by Wayne Parham on September 14, 2003 at 04:44:07:
his 1.3kw into my 8ohm jBL should produce something reasonably impressive-if i increased box tuning from 33 to perhaps 42 or 52 :-)cabin gain =23db
winisd models jBL with 600watts = 125db in 2pi space +23db =147db
ouch is all il say:-)
also im designing an SPL box for a mate in auckland, im wondering if a 9db peak in ported box response will be okay for it :-P i reckon 6db is quite safe,,the thing is that the excursion is low anyway,so why not go 9db peak.. hahah
mmm low compression also on jBL I really hate car audios lack of numbers/specs it ends up encouraging a zone of ' i did this with this sub so u can do it too with ur different model i think' etc..
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