In Reply to: A short comment. posted by mollecon on September 12, 2003 at 20:35:28:
Hey Mollecon,Ok then. Say we had the DPL12 woofer then. A PiAligned cabinet produces a -3db point of 25Hz with this woofer in a 58L, 15Hz tuned box (pialign). A vented cabinet of 140L tuned to 15Hz with this woofer produces a -3db point of a much lower 16Hz. Would the PiAligned cabinet, or the larger cabinet with deeper -3db point (both same 15Hz Fb though) produce least overring?
My idea is just a little confused. The PiAligned box is tuned 15Hz, but -3db point is 25Hz, and at its 15Hz Fb, its about -10db down. But the larger cabinet with same tuning is -3db at its Fb. The larger cabinet, as it seems, offers more damping and less ringing. But on the smaller cabinet, resonance is -10db down so would that not mean ringing is even less in the smaller box because resonance itself is attenuated so greatly compared to the larger box?
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