In Reply to: "Nasal" sound posted by Wayne Parham on September 01, 2001 at 20:53:44:
I guess the best way to describe the sound would be "harsh and cluttered." At very low levels the sound is very good, but as soon as I turn up the volume or there's a crescendo in the music, the upper midrange turns into a big blur and everything sort of melds together into a big blob of harshness.I'm starting to wonder if my amplifier is partly to blame. Now that I think about it, I had a little bit of the same problem with my Magnepans. They sounded awesome at low levels, but as soon as I pushed them louder everything kinda jumbled together. I was hoping that these new speakers would solve that problem by not making my amplifier work as hard to play loud, but maybe they're actually making the effect more pronounced for some reason. If we find that there's nothing wrong with my speakers, I might try to redo a triode modification that I tried on my amp when I was using the Magnepans. I didn't like the modification then because it made the sound seem weak and thin, but it might work better with these speakers.
From what I've read, I definitely believe that these speakers should sound better than they do now, so hopefully we're able to find something that I did wrong. I unfortunately can't send the crossovers themselves to you because the components are firmly glued to the inside of the cabinets. I should have the pictures of the crossovers in a few days, so I'll e-mail them to you as soon as I get them. Until then, I'll continue to enjoy these speakers at low levels, or at very high levels, forcing everyone in my dorm to listen to whatever I damn well want them to listen to. ;->
Mike Borzcik
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