Re: Other possibities

100-125Litres gives nice response flat to mid 20s
7.62cm port dia =22cm long -quick DOSBOX calc for 100L
but isnt long! my port on jbl 175L 33hz is 42cm,and it was gona be 65 or so if i wanted a 10cm high port for extra area.

ofcourse id use a huge port for <5% C port speed @ rms input

il input the LAB12 into winisd sometime

its not as bad as the TUMULT and other DPL12 that *everyone* raves about i think lab12 tuned to 22hz,quite nice :-)
would try it in my car,my mate has 1.3kw on tap into 2ohm 1/2 that would be fine :-)

mike *no compromise* port.e

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