amps and clippinghelp! facts are hard to find!!
here is a post from some one in a forum,who i disagree with,il reply with what i think in bold.its just my opinon,im lookin this up on the net,but its hard to find real stuff!! tell me what u think!
From a Tom Nousaine post at the link below (not that easy to follow the very long UseNet discussion on the danger of clipping -- I read the entire thread and
I can't say there is agreement ...
but Tom does test speakers for a living,
so I'll assume his opinion is an expert opinion:"The speaker never comes to a stop.
how does he know? when you see a 50hz sinewave being clipped,the actual clipped part will be very short,say 0.02seconds long im guessing,this is not long enough to see,but is plenty enough to be called Dc.
This idea is a fundamental misunderstanding that comes from that "DC" argument.
i disagree
I think it stems from the misunderstanding that the analog picture of a sine wave or square wave as it appears on the face of an oscilliscope is actually the 'signal' and the flat top is some kind of DC oscilloscople displays v/time division,this is represenative of the amp output,speaker input,is it not?
That picture is just an analog idea or representation of the sound or signal.
if oscilloscopes are so wrong,what is right,and why
As Mark began by saying (in his paper) there is no DC component ... he's right .... and therefore the cone never stops.
hes right because you say so?
Another part of the analysis that tends to get forgotten is that the tweeter's impedance will be rising as well and the only important harmonics will occur around the resonance area of the speaker.
im not sure about what hes meaning here.'important harmonics' ?
All this is not a criticsm of the work (paper).
The idea is well taken and right on the money.
You won't protect your speakers by using a larger amplifier.
a large amp wont clip
It will just burn them out as fast by supplying
more power no matter what the condition
of the signal."
it will burn them out ,if ur silly
quote from:
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