In Reply to: Re: This note's for you posted by Bill Martinelli on August 09, 2003 at 23:57:18:
wellll.......if you're sitting and playing as opposed to standing, the woodwind looking part top should be about reach straight out and touch high. Then you'd have about 2-6" of rod and then the desk. I bored the hole with a long bellhangers in a piecce of copper pipe on the tail of the lathe so the 3/4" dowel would be long enough to permit raising the desk for both sitting and standing. Also made the junction of dowel an desk an arc that pivots on a piece of 1/4" round brass stock with 4, I think,. index points for tilt. Drilled out and tapped more brass for the brass key that holds the dowel in place. I made the horizontal bookrest protrude an inch with a vertical piece dadoed on to hold something as bulky as one of those pale yellow Schumann books. mahogany for the turning and sliding dovetail tripod legs and Bubinga for the desk which is joined with mahogany splines.
Wish the picture was better. It's my masterpiece.
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