In Reply to: Wanna hear something funny? posted by Wayne Parham on August 03, 2003 at 23:57:17:
I have finally procured a NorH SE-9 amp(Single-Ended-Pentode/EL34) and have approx 50 hours of burn-in on the amp. This amp is not a SET killer, but for money(and not a kit-I put speakers together primarily), I found the soundstage and tonal qualities to be great except for the HF end which I might be able to rectify.Biggest downfall except for the HF rolloff, is the 4 and 8 ohm taps. If there are new tube amps being manufactured currently, they should take into account the fact that many of us prefer 16 ohm vintage speakers. If you buy a tube amp for lower impedance speakers, that is fine, but have you ever heard a well tuned 16 ohms speaker system on tubes???? Speaker wire can be thinner, and I may be wrong, but I like the soundstage better. So I will be forced to put a 8 ohm system together since I am tired of running the 20 ohm resistor(in parallel) with my 16 ohm speakers system, the SE-9 does not like impedance mismatch "AT ALL"!
Just took the Edgar horns off the system and put the Martinelli horns back up(have swapped several times just for the different sound of each of them). I will have to try my old Altec 811's back on for comparison.
Later all, Ron
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